Macbook air quicktime video converter
Macbook air quicktime video converter

What are codecs and why are they important? A codec is a specific algorithm device or program which can compress video (and audio) data. Moving right along…When discussing video compression we have to mention codecs. What is a codec, and why do I need to know? Unless you’re working in high-end video production, working with uncompressed video is going to drastically slow down your workflows and make data management nearly impossible when you start adding in larger and larger uncompressed files. The vast majority of the time you probably should compress video before you share it. And while the technical answer might be no, you don’t have to compress a video to share it. Do I have to compress a video in order to share it? Even video recorded on your smartphone is going to need compression to transfer it to cloud storage, your computer to edit it, or even to another person through email or messaging. Overall, video compression makes it possible and easier to share files between any number of sources. If you shoot video footage on your smartphone, for example, chances are it’s being compressed immediately and will be compressed even more throughout your transfer, editing, exporting and uploading process. This is done by using a specific compression algorithm to reduce the total number of bits needed for each frame (or image) contained in the video clip. Video compression is the process of reducing the overall file size of a video file or clip. However, when done with the wrong software or in the wrong way, video compression can sometimes corrupt a file and make it unusable - so you want to make sure you’re using the proper software and following the right steps. When done properly, a good video compressor can reduce the size of a video file to nearly 1,000x smaller than the original. Not sure what a ZIP file’s all about? That’s video compression.

macbook air quicktime video converter

Wanna send a video file over email? You need compression. In today’s modern digital video production process, video compression is quite regular and necessary because the majority of video files which you’ll deal with need to be reduce to make your workflows possible. How to compress a video in iOS and on Macs.

macbook air quicktime video converter

  • Watch our video tutorial on how to compress a video.
  • What is a codec, and why do I need to know?.
  • macbook air quicktime video converter

    Do I have to compress a video in order to share it?.

    Macbook air quicktime video converter